Friday, August 31, 2012

Trust in tatters

She looks into her eyes the mirror and sees broken brown shards staring back at her. When did that happen? When had these laughing, twinkling eyes turn into bottomless pools of pain and regret? Was it the result of loving too much, or loving the wrong person?

She wanted to let it all out, but the words failed her. How do you four long years’ worth of emotions in words? How do you explain the bits of your torn soul seeping out of you? There were so many questions; only questions, but no answers.

She asked the questions over and over again, but to no avail. How do you become completely disposable to someone when that person swore that you were the best thing that ever happened to him? She had seen her friends tread down that path of broken hearts and shattered dreams, of emotions taken for granted; but she always said to herself’ “No, he is different, he would never hurt me that way; he would never knowingly take advantage of my vulnerability or break my trust.”

Alas, she was so very wrong. Trust was broken. Tears were spilt. Pain ripped through her soul in a way that it would probably never mend. Her spirit lay shattered. The smiles no longer reach the eyes. The laughs no longer emerge from the heart. Something froze within her, never to be thawed. She learnt a painful yet important lesson: When you love someone 100%, you give that person the power to destroy you 100%.

When you find that person whom your soul connects with, and that person wrongs you and leaves, it can take away your ability to ever trust someone again. It can take away your faith in the almighty force.

No amount of grieving, no amount of remorse can ever heal the wounds that lay embedded in her heart. Days pass, bringing no peace, no calm, no relief. She goes on with her life, her trust in tatters.

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